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Single stage oil-free vacuum pump

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Single stage oil-free vacuum pump

Date:2017-04-18 Author: Click:

Single stage pump oil-free vacuum pump

Single level oil-free vacuum pump:

1, should have good ventilation conditions and environmental temperature below 40 degrees celsius.

2, no dust and dirt clean place.

3, water, oil and other liquids will fall to the pump.

4, not directly exposed to the sun.

5, there is enough space to facilitate the pump inspection, maintenance and installation.

6, the pump must be installed in a flat plane.

7, it is best to pump on the same kind of concrete hard foundation installation, if there is no condition, can also be firmly installed in the steel or wooden frame.

8, a single-stage oil-free vacuum pump must ensure that the pump is not solid and caused by vibration.

9, and the pump should not be too long and less than the pump into the pump diameter, the impact of pumping speed, the same is to pay attention to check whether the vacuum pipeline leak.

10, when the wire, should pay attention to the motor nameplate on the required wiring requirements. Three phase electric pump should pay attention to the direction of rotation of the motor should be consistent with the direction of the arrow on the pump.

